Saturday, December 23, 2017

Couple's Ski on December 23, 2017

Today Enrico and I went for a ski together. My groin muscles were sore from breaking trail yesterday, and Enrico was just tired everywhere. Nevertheless, we persisted. We decided to just ski on our neighborhood trails again. It was easier going today with the temperature at 18 degrees above and trails already skied in. We decided to go a bit further than yesterday, skiing across the river to Gooseberry Park, where we had a blank slate of snow. This makes me excited because there's a chance to lay down very straight, good tracks that then can be used over and over later. 

I went first, creating a loop with some zigzags around some trees. After breaking in that trail, it was fun to go around again and enjoy the fruits of our labor. I was going to head back after that, but Enrico said, "One more time," so we went around a third time. On the way back, we skied on the section by the river (see photo above) that Fargo Parks usually sets with classic tracks. We saw a few other skiers on our way back. The sun came out for a little while, and it wasn't windy, making for a very pleasant time. We were both toasty warm. Total ski time: 90 minutes. Maybe I'm not in as bad shape as I thought yesterday. 

After skiing, I went over to the Y to shower, soak in the jacuzzi tub, and spend some time in the sauna. When I got back I took a deep nap. This is what vacation is supposed to be!

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