On Saturday I decided to skate ski for two hours. It was a bit cold out, and there was new snow on the skate trail, but my thinking was, "Just dress warmly and go slowly." To lure myself out, I made a thermos of Yerba Mate tea with honey, which I stashed next to the trail. Each time I went by, I had a nice hot drink of tea. That was six times, as I skied back and forth on the the Dike East-Lindenwood Trail. I made a new, 2-hour playlist to keep me going.
Well, the Korteloppet is this month, and I wanted to see if I have anything close to the endurance for it.
I managed, though I was not speedy. Near the end, I was mainly looking at the snow right in front of me, and then something caught my eye--a large bird to the northwest. I stopped and squinted as it flew closer. Could it be . . .?
Yes! A bald eagle, confidently winging its was to the southeast. I thanked the bird because it felt like a little reward for finishing the ski.
Well, the Korteloppet is this month, and I wanted to see if I have anything close to the endurance for it.
I managed, though I was not speedy. Near the end, I was mainly looking at the snow right in front of me, and then something caught my eye--a large bird to the northwest. I stopped and squinted as it flew closer. Could it be . . .?
Yes! A bald eagle, confidently winging its was to the southeast. I thanked the bird because it felt like a little reward for finishing the ski.
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