After yoga with Twyla at the Y this morning, I was feeling all flexy, and I thought maybe I could sneak in a quickie--a skate ski before meeting my UND colleague, Kim Donehower, at Nicole's for an early lunch. So. . . I entered the house, peeling off yoga clothes and putting on ski clothes in fluid motions. (My husband was still asleep, and the kids were still in bed). Just a few minutes later, I was out the door, the beat of "Wipe Out" was playing on my iPod. A sparkly, sunny day with an expected high above freezing, I knew this was the perfect time to enjoy a skate ski, as the trail had softened slightly in the thawing temperatures, yielding gently to the strokes of my skis, but not yet mooshy and past its prime, like the banana everyone ignored all week. After 8 days of cold conditions and slow snow, I nearly fell backwards on setting ski to trail because the snow was so fast. I hoped my heart was warmed up enough from yoga, because conditions begged me to ski as fast as I could, racing t up to the dam, down to Lindenwood, back up to the dam, and back home in about 35 minutes. There were lots of people out skiing already, and I smiled and waved at each one. "Great day for a ski!" I shouted. I could not stop smiling, even though my heart rate was near the max. I entered the "puke zone" just as I mounted the tiny rise before the turn off back to our street.
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