Work won out over skiing this week as I slogged through several 11-13 hour workdays, but after a few hours in the office on Saturday, the trails were calling me, so I grabbed my skate skis to check out the trails by the river around 4pm. No softening of the icy crust. It was pretty crappy skiing, thanks to the guy with big feet and the various dogs who had pummeled the trail when it was mushy, their indentations frozen. After checking out the scene, I ran back to the house to get Noko. He seemed a bit antsy, and with the icy conditions, his paws would not leave a dent on the skate trail, so I harnessed him up and held on. Sure enough, all his pent-up energy translated into fast forward motion, as I tried desperately to stay upright. Skating at high speed is good for my reflexes, right? Several near-falls made me tense, so I had to consciously relax my body. On the way back from Lindenwood, he eased up a bit, and I could skate more. Unfortunately, he made a sudden stop to take a dump, and I had forgotten plastic bags, so after taking him home, I had to jog back and clean up his poop. I thought, "Well, it is time to transition to running, anyway." My shins now hurt. I hope we get new snow. It is too early for the good skiing to be over.
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