Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Winter Solstice Sunrise Ski

This morning I got outside when the moon and stars were still out and headed to the river. The temperature was 27 degrees above, so the snow was fast, which felt great to skate ski upon. I went all the way to Lindenwood Park without stopping, joy springing up in my heart. On the way back, I saw a little movement in my peripheral vision--a rabbit, I think. This caused me to look in the woods, and I saw this little nest by the trail: 
Amazing how delicate grasses can form a home for birds.

I skied on, playing with different techniques, remembering again how to ski in different ways and listening to how my body feels as I change it up. It was a still Solstice morning, and I kept going back and forth on my trail until I saw the sun come up. It was really beautiful, and made me feel blessed.

Happy Solstice, everyone!

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